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November 16, 2019

FINLAB in the news

VT News article on graduate student Maxwell Mikel-Stites' superhero research

June 22, 2019

FINLAB in the news

American Institute of Physics publishes Scilight featuring coral hydrodynamics research.

June 2, 2019

New Physics of Fluids Paper (Selected as Featured Article)

Monir Hossain and Anne Staples, “Passive vortical flows enhance mass transport in the interior of a coral colony”

November 17, 2018

FINLAB in the news

Article in Ars Technica on graduate student Maxwell Mikel-Stites' superhero research

July 25, 2018

New Superhero Science and Technology paper

Anne Staples and Maxwell Mikel-Stites, “Ant-Man and the Wasp: Microscale respiration and micofluidic technology”

May 28, 2018

New Acta Mechanica Paper

Krishnashis Chatterjee and Anne Staples, “Slip flow in a microchannel driven by rhythmic wall contractions”

May 20, 2018

FINLAB PhD student Monir Hossain accepted into the 2018-2019 Cross-Disciplinary Problem-Solving & Research development initiative

FINLAB PhD student Monir Hossain accepted into the 2018-2019 Cross-Disciplinary Problem-Solving & Research development initiative hosted by Virginia Sea Grant, Virginia Institute of Marine Science, and the University of Virginia to "enhance coastal resilience to climate change."

April 23, 2018

FINLAB PhD student Krishnashis Chatterjee awarded Terry and Bonnie Alfriend Graduate Fellowship in Engineering Mechanics

FINLAB PhD student Krishnashis Chatterjee awarded Terry and Bonnie Alfriend Graduate Fellowship in Engineering Mechanics at Virginia Tech

April 23, 2018

FINLAB PhD student Krishnashis Chatterjee awarded Liviu Librescu Memorial Fellowship in Engineering Mechanics

FINLAB PhD student Krishnashis Chatterjee awarded Liviu Librescu Memorial Fellowship in Engineering Mechanics at Virginia Tech

March 8, 2018

FINLAB members present research at the American Physical Society 2018 March Meeting in Los Angeles

Anne Staples, Krishnashis Chatterjee, Philip Graybill, Anne Staples, and Rafael Davalos, “Insect respiratory network-inspired microfluidic devices act as hydrodynamic ratchets”

November 26, 2017

New Advances in Computational Mathematics paper

Ali Kashefi and Anne Staples, “A finite-element coarse-grid projection method for incompressible flow simulations”

November 20, 2017

FINLAB members present research at 70th Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society Division of Fluid Dynamics in Denver

Monir Hossain and Anne Staples, “Effects of branching morphology on flow for a single coral colony”




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