You can find Anne E. Staples' Google Scholar page here.
Frequency-specific, valveless flow control in insect-mimetic microfluidic devices
Chatterjee, K., Graybill, P. M., Socha, J. J., Davalos, R. V., & Staples, A. E. (2021). Frequency-specific, valveless flow control in insect-mimetic microfluidic devices. Bioinspir. Biomim., 16, 036004.
A 3D-printed microneedle array and reservoir for testing transdermal drug delivery
Zhang, S., Poulos, D., Khoja, A. E., Chatterjee, K., & Staples, A. E. (2021). A 3D-printed microneedle array and reservoir for testing transdermal drug delivery. Bulletin of the American Physical Society, Q14.00005.
Between the branches: Recent results from large eddy simulations of local coral colony flow fields
Staples, A. E. (2021). Between the branches: Recent results from large eddy simulations of local coral colony flow fields. Bulletin of the American Physical Society, A02.00001.
A biologically accurate model of directional hearing in the parasitoid fly Ormia ochracea
Mikel-Stites, M. R., Salcedo, M. K., Socha, J. J., Marek, P. E., & Staples, A. E. (2021). 3D-imaging inspired improvements to hearing model in parasitoid fly Ormia ochracea. bioRxiv 2021.09.15.460520.
Dynamic analysis and design optimization of a drag-based vibratory swimmer
Tahmasian, S., Jafaryzad, A., Bulzoni, N. L., & Staples, A. E. (2020). Dynamic analysis and design optimization of a drag-based vibratory swimmer. Fluids, 5(1), 38.
Feature engineering and symbolic regression methods for detecting hidden physics from sparse sensor observation data
Vaddireddy, H., Rasheed, A., Staples, A. E., & San, O. (2020). Feature engineering and symbolic regression methods for detecting hidden physics from sparse sensor observation data. Physics of Fluids, 32(1), 015113.
Effects of coral colony morphology on local turbulent flow dynamics
Hossain, M. M. & Staples, A. E. (2020). Effects of coral colony morphology on local turbulent flow dynamics. Bulletin of the American Physical Society, X01.00014.